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New Patients

Your Initial Visit

We will need to gather information about you and your health history the first time you come to our office. Although filling out patient information forms is somewhat time consuming, it provides Dr. Liverman with the information he needs to understand and assess your condition. Please allow approximately 20 minutes to fill out the new patient paperwork. How you do it is entirely up to you. 

1. You may arrive 20 minutes early to fill out the forms.

2. You may download the forms by clicking the PDF button.

3. We can email the forms to you.

If you choose to download or have the forms emailed, please complete the forms and bring them with you at your appointed time. 


Examination and Consultation


Dr. Liverman will evaluate your patient information and discuss your health history with you. Next, he will examine your posture, muscle tone and skeletal ranges of motion. He will evaluate the integrity of your musculoskeletal system. You may be x-rayed and additional diagnostic tests may be scheduled if they are deemed necessary. Dr. Liverman will evaluate the results of your history, examinations, x-rays and other diagnostic tests to determine if he can help you. He will explain your condition to you. If he believes that he can help you, he will suggest a treatment plan. If he determines that he can not help you, he will refer you to an appropriate healthcare specialist. 




At Farmers Branch Chiropractic, most treatment plans include chiropractic manipulative techniques, supportive therapies (cold, heat, vibration, massage, spinal traction) and exercise therapies. Dr. Liverman will explain these procedures and discuss any questions or concerns you may have before treatment. 



Taking Charge 


We at Farmers Branch Chiropractic believe patients should be interactive and involved with their personal healthcare. We understand that your wellness depends on your willingness to take charge of your health care. Your response to treatment will improve if you participate in the care of your condition. We expect every patient to follow activity modification suggestions and home-care recommendations. 


"Chiropractic Makes the Difference"
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